SAFELipo | Alexandria

Tackle Fat
From All Angles

Whether you need to revise a previous liposuction procedure or require a more comprehensive approach to body contouring, SAFELipo® at Virginia Center for Plastic Surgery can help you reach your cosmetic goals.

What Is SAFELipo?

SAFELipo® is a non-thermal, comprehensive, multi-faceted body contouring process that incorporates contour augmentation, redistribution and reduction into a single procedure.

Originally developed to address the challenges of revising previous liposuction procedures that had produce less than desirable results, SAFElipo® in Northern Virginia and Alexandria offers a unique 3-step process of separation, aspiration and fat equalization that can consistently produce dramatic, smooth and natural contours.

This innovative process allows for dramatic yet natural transformation, while also causing less of the tissue damage, dermal adhesions and surface irregularities frequently seen in other forms of liposuction. Learn more about SAFElipo® in Northern Virginia and Alexandria by speaking with Dr. Desman and his knowledgeable team.


What Makes SAFELipo® Different?

Traditional liposuction involves the removal of fat while it is still attached to the surrounding tissues and is therefore more susceptible to uneven results. Because SAFELipo® separates the fat before removing it, the fat removal process is more even.

Further, with the Fat Equalization phase at the end, you are essentially getting micro-fat grafting to further ensure a uniform cosmetic result. Because this process does not impart any energy into your tissues, there is no risk of burns that can be seen with laser and ultrasonic approaches. In addition, this is a great approach for repeat or revision liposuction procedures.


How Does SAFELipo® Work?

(The explanation below is offered by Simeon Wall, Jr. MD FACS originator of SAFELipo®.)

SAFELipo® is the first and only body contouring technique to incorporate the 3-step process of fat separation, aspiration and equalization, a patented procedure that combines the benefits of liposuction, fat shifting and fat grafting.


Step 1: Separation

During the first step of SAFELipo®, Fat Separation, Dr. Desman employs specialized “exploded” probes with power-assisted liposuction (PAL) to separate the targeted fat globules from each other and from their surrounding attachments without tearing or otherwise damaging the delicate stromal network and supporting blood vessels.

The separation process allows these fat cells and globules to become “loose and emulsified” without the generation of heat, thereby eliminating the damaging effects of the thermal energy seen with other forms of liposuction available today.


Step 2: Aspiration

Most liposuction procedures include some form of aspiration, which simply refers to removing the fat cells using suction. Because the separation stage decreases the resistance and adherence of the targeted fat, the SAFELipo® surgeon can use smaller, thinner cannulas to remove the targeted tissue while preventing suction avulsion injuries seen with other forms of liposuction.

This results in a healthy, thin resulting fat layer with intact blood vessels and surrounding tissue. This less traumatic approach greatly reduces or eliminates bruising, decreases swelling after surgery and prevents excessive internal scarring.


Step 3: Fat Equalization

The final stage of SAFELipo®, fat equalization, is vital to ensuring optimal long-term results. After extracting the targeted fat cells, the surgeon turns his or her attention to the light layer of fat that remains after aspiration.

This important layer, left intact by the previous two steps, is then "equalized" with fat equalization probes without utilizing suction. The thin, even layer of subcutaneous fat that remains is an absolute necessity for the smooth, toned, and natural appearance associated with a liposuction procedure.

With equalization, the SAFELipo® surgeon usually utilizes PAL with the specialized “exploded” fat equalizing probes to smooth this layer of fat, leaving a smooth blanket of “local” fat grafts to prevent adherence of the skin down to the underlying muscle layer.

By preventing this adhesion of the skin’s dermis down to the muscle’s fascia, the SAFELipo® process is able to prevent the most persistent and pervasive problem with liposuction since it was invented more than 30 years ago: contour irregularities.

Preventing contour irregularities is the key to eliminating wavy skin, lumps, divots and other unfavorable and unnatural results seen from liposuction. This was very difficult to avoid until SAFElipo®.


Treatment Process for SAFELipo®

For all procedures, we recommend our patients take a full day off of work. The time it takes to complete your SAFELipo® procedure in Northern Virginia and Alexandria depends on the nature and extensiveness of the treatment, but it can be as quick as 30 minutes or last several hours.

One of the best aspects of the SAFELipo® procedure is the quick recovery time. Most of our patients need up to one week of recovery before returning to work and only four weeks before they can continue their exercise routine.


Reach Out to Dr. Desman about SAFElipo®

Liposuction has been and remains the gold standard of body contouring, and SAFELipo® offers the possibility of dramatic changes and superb results – in the hands of the right surgeon. Don’t be dazzled by buzzwords and clever marketing tactics. Do your homework, research the procedure, and speak with Dr. Desman about how he approaches the operation.

SAFElipo® in Northern Virginia and Alexandria could help you achieve the cosmetic results you desire, so contact our practice online to ask questions and schedule your initial consultation.

Frequently Asked Questions