Alexandria Gynecomastia Surgery

Regain Confidence
in Your Skin

If you’re one of the 40% – 60% of adult men who suffer from gynecomastia — or excessive breast tissue — know that male breast reduction surgery at Virginia Center for Plastic Surgery can help restore a more defined appearance to your chest.

Sometimes diet and exercise just aren’t enough to counteract factors like medications, hormones, and weight fluctuations that cause gynecomastia. With the help of double board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Eric Desman, you can reduce this excess glandular tissue and restore your confidence.

What Is Gynecomastia?

Derived from the Greek words meaning “woman-like” and “breasts,” gynecomastia is the medical name for excessive breast tissue in males. This accumulation of tissue can be caused by many different factors, including medications, hormones, and weight fluctuations. Even thin men can experience this condition.

While gynecomastia is benign, it may have a significant impact on a man’s sense of self and masculinity. Men with larger breast tissue might find it difficult or embarrassing to wear certain clothing styles. Gynecomastia can also make exercise and physical activity more difficult, in addition to detracting from an otherwise masculine physique.

For local men struggling with this condition, Gynecomastia surgery in Northern Virginia and Alexandria is an effective method of removing excess fat deposits and breast tissue from the chest. If you are unhappy with the appearance of your chest, Dr. Desman can meet with you to discuss male plastic surgery and whether this operation would be right for you.


Who Is an Ideal Candidate for Gynecomastia Surgery?

While a proper diet and exercise can often help with larger breasts in men, sometimes, there is excess glandular tissue present. For these patients, even exercise and dietary changes will not change the size of breasts.

It’s estimated that up to 40-60% of the adult male population has gynecomastia, so if you’re considering treatment, this is nothing to be ashamed about. Male breast reduction is currently the only long-lasting, effective treatment option for this condition.

If you find yourself commonly avoiding certain situations because you’re uncomfortable with the appearance of your chest, you may benefit from gynecomastia surgery. Ideal candidates for this operation include men in good health who maintain a relatively stable weight and are unhappy with excess breast tissue or enlarged breasts. With the help of board-certified surgeon Dr. Desman, you can restore a more defined appearance to your chest.


Male Breast Reduction Explained

Gynecomastia surgery is done in the operating room, usually with the patient asleep. You will go home the same day of surgery, and you will need several days off from work or school for recovery. During the procedure, tissue will be removed from your chest with liposuction to improve your contour and give you a more sculpted look. Dr. Desman can perform the procedure with care and help you achieve your desired results.

The Excision Approach

In cases where gynecomastia is caused by excess glandular breast tissue, the excision technique might be necessary. With this method, Dr. Desman will make an incision, extract the excess breast tissue, and remove any extra skin. The nipples may also be repositioned to restore a more natural appearance.

Frequently, a combination of both techniques is used to achieve optimal results. The exact plan will depend upon your unique circumstances and will be determined after Dr. Desman does your exam and develops your customized treatment plan.


The Liposuction Technique

In many cases, enlarged breasts in men are caused by excess fat deposits. For these patients in Northern Virginia or Alexandria, Dr. Desman offers male liposuction techniques that are specifically designed to remove fat while encouraging skin to conform to underlying muscle. Once the treatment area as fully healed, this approach will help you achieve a more masculine physique.


What Does Dr. Desman Consider During a Gynecomastia Consultation?

Before making the personal decision to undergo male breast reduction surgery, a consultation with Dr. Desman will help you determine whether you’re a good candidate. At your consultation, our team will evaluate your family history and consider other factors that may contribute to your condition, including the following:

  • Puberty
  • Obesity
  • The use of common prescription medications
  • The use of anabolic steroids
  • Impaired liver function
  • Klinefelter syndrome
  • The use of any medications containing estrogen
  • Gilbert's syndrome
  • Aging
  • Problems with testicular hormone production
  • The use of herbal testosterone additives
  • Your general health and suitability for the surgery

Once the causes of your gynecomastia have been explored, you may be asked to undergo a mammogram or breast x-ray to determine the most effective way to approach your operation. For example, the presence of fat, glandular material, and excess skin will be assessed to ensure you’re a good candidate for this procedure.

Commonly, gynecomastia is also accompanied by stubborn deposits of fat in other areas of the body. When this is the case, Dr. Desman may recommend additional sculpting treatments for optimal results. For instance, male-focused liposuction can complement gynecomastia surgery and help create a more sculpted or defined body.


Choosing a Board-Certified Surgeon for Male Breast Reduction

When searching for a the right surgeon in Alexandria and Northern Virginia to perform gynecomastia operation, there are many things to consider. For best results, male breast reduction requires a careful approach that combines surgical skill and artistic insight.

As a board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Eric Desman has demonstrated his mastery of the field by completing extensive training and passing rigorous examinations. With a board-certified surgeon performing your male breast reduction, you can be assured that your procedure will be carried out with a high standard of care and expertise.


Reach Out to Dr. Desman About Gynecomastia Surgery in Northern Virginia

The results of gynecomastia surgery are more or less permanent. Immediately after your male breast reduction procedure, you may experience swelling in the chest area. But as your body heals, the skin will tighten up and conform over the newly sculpted area, eventually revealing a more masculine shape.

To maximize the results of your gynecomastia surgery, it’s a good idea to maintain a healthy diet and a regular exercise program. Staying at a healthy weight will help prevent the development of fat deposits in the chest area, and it will allow you to enjoy the long-term results of your surgery.

Significant weight gain, use of steroids, and some medical conditions can cause the condition to return.

Thankfully, many patients find their male breast reduction to be life-changing. Patients often have a boost in self-esteem and finally feel comfortable baring their bodies at the beach and wearing a variety of clothing styles.

However, gynecomastia surgery in Northern Virginia and Alexandria is just one aspect of treatment for men with enlarged breasts. Many physicians agree that even though the causes of gynecomastia vary, the psychological aspects related to the condition need to be considered before, during, and after an operation. You may be referred to a psychologist to address any trauma associated with gynecomastia, especially if you are an adolescent.

To learn more about the surgery and schedule your initial consultation, reach out to our office today.


Post-Op Instructions for Gynecomastia

Frequently Asked Questions