Alexandria Liposuction

Make Stubborn Fat Disappear

Liposuction at Virginia Center for Plastic Surgery targets stubborn fat deposits in and around your stomach, hips, thighs, and other areas of the body to give you the sculpted look you work hard for.

What Is Liposuction?

While diet and exercise are the first lines of defense against fat, even with these efforts, you may find that you still have pockets of stubborn fat that are resistant to traditional methods of weight loss. This excess fat can make you look older than you actually are, or make you feel like your fitness efforts aren’t worthwhile.

As a result, many patients, opt for body contouring procedures like liposuction in Northern Virginia and Alexandria to get the upper hand over stubborn fat on areas like the hips, tummy, thighs, cheeks, and neck.

Liposuction is a method of body sculpting that allows you to remove targeted pockets of unwanted fat. This popular procedure uses a small device that consists of a powerful vacuum and a thin steel tube called a cannula.

A small incision is made near the area to be treated, and the cannula is inserted, where it can effectively suction out fat. If you’re considering this option, learn how Dr. Eric Desman at the Virginia Center for Plastic Surgery can contour your body with long-lasting results.*


What Are the Most Common Areas Treated?

  • Hips and Abdomen: To remove fat deposits in these areas, incisions are placed in several locations around the area to allow for a crisscross pattern of suctioning. The incisions are very small and will be well camouflaged once they have healed.
  • Thigh: The thighs can constantly rub together which can be uncomfortable and may not be aesthetically appealing. Fat deposits in the thigh are suctioned out, creating space between the two regions.
  • Neck: Fat deposits in the neck are suctioned through a small incision made underneath your chin or behind your ear. The pad of fat beneath your chin can be removed and, because some adhesions form, there may be the added benefit of your skin tightening in this particular area.

During a consultation, Dr. Desman can assess the area in question to determine whether liposuction would help a patient in Alexandria or Northern Virginia.


Who Is an Ideal Candidate for Liposuction?

The best candidates for liposuction are people who have either lost weight already, or who have areas in which their fat deposits are disproportionate and are difficult to control using traditional diet and exercise. These areas differ from patient to patient, but they are frequently seen under the chin and in the hips, thighs, and abdomen.

There are two basic principles behind liposuction. The first is fairly obvious: when fat is suctioned out, this will change the volume of the area worked on, and thus the contour will change and improve.

However, equally important is the skin’s ability to tighten up after the fat has been removed. This tightening process can continue for six-to-nine months after surgery. Your skin tone and ability to tighten up is an important factor in evaluating your candidacy for liposuction.

To see examples of our impactful results, view our before-and-after photo gallery.


Different Types of Liposuction Explained

There are a handful of different liposuction techniques available in Northern Virginia or Alexandria, depending on your needs and preferences. All versions of liposuction essentially suction out excess fat, but there are variations in how this is done. To learn more about these differences, feel free to also watch our short interactive video.

Tumescent Liposuction

In a tumescent liposuction procedure, the area in which liposuction is to be performed is anesthetized with a diluted local anesthetic containing lidocaine, epinephrine (adrenaline), and intravenous fluid. This solution causes the area to become numb to pain, and to become tumescent, or swollen and somewhat hardened.

As a result, this lets Dr. Desman easily insert the cannula beneath the skin and better target areas where fat is to be removed. The adrenaline in the area causes blood vessels to constrict, leading to less blood loss and increasing our team's ability to take out more fat. This technique also usually leads to reduced bruising and pain.


Male Liposuction

No matter how much you work out, you may find that you still have “love handles” or other areas of exercise-resistant fat that distracts from an otherwise chiseled appearance. With liposuction for men, you can refine areas of excess fat and restore a more masculine appearance to your body.

While women have traditionally been the majority of patients seeking liposuction, more men in Northern Virginia and Alexandria are discovering the benefits of this powerful option. In fact, liposuction is now the most popular surgical cosmetic procedure performed on men in America today. Liposuction for men is also an excellent option for reducing fat in the breasts, neck, and body.


Lipo 360

Finally, Lipo 360 (also known as 360 Lipo or circumferential liposuction) refers to a liposuction method where Dr. Desman performs the procedure 360 degrees around the midsection. The most significant distinction separating a traditional procedure and Lipo 360 is that, while conventional liposuction concentrates on one particular spot at a time, Lipo 360 can target several regions simultaneously.

The areas that our team can address through 360 lipo include the abdominals (upper or lower), the obliques, and the mid-to-lower back. You can learn more about the distinct benefits of this option during your initial consultation.


SAFELipo® Liposuction

SAFELipo® is an innovative method of liposuction known for its 3-step process, which includes: fat separation, fat aspiration, and fat equalization. During the first step, Dr. Desman uses specialized probes with power-assisted technology to separate the fat without damaging surrounding tissues and blood vessels.

Next, the fat is gently removed with a thin cannula. Lastly, the remaining layer of fat that is left after aspiration is equalized for an even, smooth appearance. This leaves a “blanket” of subcutaneous fat, preventing the skin's dermis from adhering to the fascia and deeper tissues. SAFELipo® produces smooth, natural-looking results, is gentler to the surrounding tissues, and results in less bruising and swelling.

SAFELipo is Dr. Desman's preferred approach to liposuction and is routinely combined with tumescent techniques and Lipo 360. Additionally, Dr. Desman is the only certified SAFELipo® surgeon in the metro DC area.


The Long-Term Results of Liposuction

Because liposuction surgery is a body contouring and sculpting technique, end results are measured primarily by the patient's satisfaction.

It is important to note that, during the healing process, you usually do not see a measurable loss of weight. This is due to the combined effect of retained fluids following tumescent liposuction and post-operative swelling. Most of your results will be visible by four weeks after surgery, when your swelling has gone down. The final results of your procedure usually become apparent within six-to-twelve months, after your skin has tightened up.

A healthy diet and routine exercise are the keys to long-term satisfaction with liposuction. Patients who maintain a healthy diet and a regular exercise program are far more likely to either lose weight or maintain their newly contoured shape.

In contrast, patients who have a poor diet and lack regular exercise are more likely to gain weight and feel dissatisfied with their surgery.


Liposuction Post-Op Care

The following post-operative instructions should be closely followed to ensure proper recovery from your liposuction procedure:

  • Call our office on the first working day after your procedure to make an appointment for your postoperative visit.
  • Start showering after your first appointment in the office.
  • Make arrangements for someone to bring you to the office for your first appointment to see Dr. Desman since you will not be able to drive for approximately five days after surgery.
  • Wear the compression garment 24 hours a day for one month after your operation.
  • While taking pain medication, drink at least eight glasses of water a day and take a stool softener to help decrease the chances of constipation.
  • Sleep on your back for two weeks
  • Bruising may last as long as six to eight weeks following surgery, depending on the nature of your liposuction procedure. If pain exceeds the coverage of your prescription, call our office.
  • Keep all compression garments dry and clean until you visit for your first perioperative appointment.
  • After you stop your pain medication, start with deep, firm massage to the areas that were operated on.
  • Avoid strenuous activity for one month after surgery. This includes aerobics, weightlifting, tennis, and any other athletic activity which you normally participate in. Walking is permitted at two weeks.
  • Do not resume sexual intercourse for three weeks.
  • Your final result will not be seen for approximately six to nine months, as your skin will need to tighten up over the treated area(s). However, you will notice a significant improvement in your body contour and how clothes fit within several weeks.

Remember, we are here to help you. Do not hesitate to call if you have questions or concerns about your recovery.

Watch this video to learn more about some key post-operation instructions following your liposuction surgery:

Talk With Our Team about Liposuction in Northern Virginia

It can be frustrating to notice that certain localized deposits of fat do not respond to diet and exercise. If you find yourself in this situation, you should remember that you have options for treatment through liposuction in Northern Virginia and Alexandria. There are a few different varieties of this procedure, and each offers distinct benefits. To receive personalized advice and figure out which option is best for you, contact us online today.

Frequently Asked Questions