Men's Liposuction in Alexandria

Break Up With Love Handles

If the pockets of accumulated fat on your abdomen and love handles haven’t responded to traditional weight-loss methods like a healthy diet and plenty of exercise, try male liposuction at Virginia Center for Plastic Surgery.

Double board-certified surgeon Dr. Eric Desman has extensive experience with the leading liposuction techniques — including power-assisted, tumescent, and SAFELipo — to target stubborn fat and restore your toned, youthful shape.

What Is Male Liposuction, Exactly?

Body fat can be stubborn. It does not care how diligently you follow a diet plan or how many push-ups and crunches you do. Why won’t those fat pockets budge?

All of us are genetically programmed to store fat in certain areas — usually the belly, love handles, chest, back, or chin and neck. The older you get, the harder it becomes to reduce fat in these trouble spots and achieve the classic V-shaped torso.

Instead of cursing genetics, why not get the upper hand on them? Liposuction can remove excess fat cells from specific areas of your body, helping you gain a slimmer, firmer physique and restore your self-confidence. Liposuction can also be an excellent option to treat gynecomastia.

Dr. Eric Desman has years of experience with male liposuction in Northern Virginia and Alexandria and specializes in advanced techniques designed to maximize safety and results.

Liposuction is the most popular surgical cosmetic procedure performed on men in America today because it is a safe and effective way to sculpt a slimmer, more masculine body contour.

Ideal candidates have firm skin and are of normal weight, but have stubborn, diet- and exercise-resistant pockets of fat that they want to put behind them. During male liposuction, Dr. Desman most often removes fat deposits from the neck, belly, and/or love handles.


Rediscover Your Motivation With Male Liposuction

If you eat a balanced diet, stick to a consistent workout schedule, and still have trouble getting your desired results, you might get discouraged and abandon your goals. It can be incredibly frustrating to do everything right, only to realize the toned body of your dreams is still eluding you.

Stubborn body fat that defies your efforts to shape and tone is usually hereditary. The good news is, you probably have defined pecs and washboard abs hiding under that layer of flab, thanks to your diligent training. Male liposuction can help reveal the results of all your hard work and dedication.

Though Dr. Desman will ask you to refrain from strenuous exercise for a couple of weeks after your Northern Virginia or Alexandria liposuction procedure, once you have healed, your new contours will probably be enough to motivate you to pursue a healthy diet and fitness regimen.


Male Liposuction Can Improve Your Self-Esteem

Persistent trouble spots like love handles or male breasts can be demoralizing. Instead of focusing on intimate time with your partner, you can’t stop hearing the inner monologue telling you to suck in your stomach or hide under the covers.

Thankfully, male liposuction surgery can restore your confidence and free you to become your happiest, healthiest self. Our Alexandria and Northern Virginia patients report skyrocketing self-esteem after they have fully recovered from their surgery and can show off the results of their male liposuction.


How Does Male Liposuction Work?

Liposuction for men uses powerful suction to remove stubborn fat deposits. During the procedure, a thin tube called a cannula is inserted through a tiny incision made in your skin.

Your fat is then suctioned out through this tube while Dr. Desman moves the tube around underneath the skin to target specific fat deposits. Dr. Desman uses SAFELipo during his procedures, which is another reason to consider seeking his services.


Neck Area

Fat deposits in the neck are suctioned through a small incision made underneath your chin and/or behind your ear. The pad of fat beneath your chin can be removed and, because some adhesions form, there may be the added benefit of your skin tightening in this particular area.


Hips & Abdomen

To remove the fat deposits in these areas, incisions are placed in several locations around the area to allow for a crisscross pattern of suctioning. The incisions are very small and will be difficult to see once they have healed.

Dr. Desman understands the right approach for each region and will maximize the impact of male liposuction for an Alexandria or Northern Virginia patient.


Speak With Dr. Desman About Male Liposuction in Northern Virginia

You should not have to feel like you are without options if you are struggling with body fat that does not respond to your diet and exercise efforts. Instead, consider meeting with our team about male liposuction in Northern Virginia and Alexandria.

When you schedule a consultation with Dr. Desman, you can rest assured that he will help you choose the right options for your health and circumstances. He will also follow up with you after your procedure to make sure that you have the resources you need. Call today to get started.

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