After Liposuction: Tips for Keeping the Fat From Coming Back

Liposuction has remained one of the most in-demand cosmetic procedures in the U.S. since its invention in the 1970s. However, despite its enduring popularity, several misconceptions about this surgery remain – the most common of which is that it is a weight-loss technique. In this post, we are going to debunk that myth, as well as explaining how you can keep your surgically contoured physique for longer.

How Does Lipo Differ From Weight-Loss Surgeries?

Most adults who want to maintain a sleek physique find themselves frustrated by fatty deposits that even the most diligent exercise routine doesn’t seem to touch. For example, many men are genetically predisposed to store fat in their abdomens, while women may struggle with excess unwanted fat on their bellies, buttocks, hips, and thighs – especially after pregnancy.

In contrast to procedures such as bariatric surgery that enable severely obese people to lose marked amounts of weight from all over their bodies, lipo is a spot-toning surgery that enables a qualified plastic surgeon such as Dr. Eric Desman to remove pockets of fat from specific trouble zones. Instead of thinking of it as a way to lose weight, you should consider liposuction for its potential to remove stubborn, exercise-resistant fat cells from targeted areas such as your belly, neck, chin, thighs, hips, butt, and upper arms.

To put things in perspective, Dr. Desman prefers to describe liposuction to patients as a contouring procedure, rather than a fat-removal surgery. Candidates who see the best results are already at or very near their desired weight. Indeed, the most amount of fat Dr. Desman can safely remove during surgery ranges between six and eight pounds. The risk of complications such as rippling and excess skin increases corresponding with how much fat you wish to have extracted.

What Happens During and After Liposuction Surgery?

Lipo is an outpatient procedure that enables you to go home the same day. While you are under anesthetic and feeling no discomfort, Dr. Desman makes small incisions in your skin, through which he will insert a thin tube called a cannula. That cannula attaches to a powerful device that suctions out the unwanted fat.

Dr. Desman will send you home with specific instructions on how to care for yourself while you are recovering from liposuction surgery. You may need to wear a specially designed compression garment as you heal to help minimize swelling and speed the recovery process. If you feel any discomfort, you can take pain medication. Most liposuction patients feel well enough to return to work within a week.

Maintaining Your Figure After Surgery

Are you considering liposuction, but worried about the fat returning? You’re not alone, as this is one of our patients’ most frequently asked questions. The best way to enjoy your liposuction results over the long term is to stay within your target body weight through working out regularly and eating a balanced diet.

What happens if you do gain a significant amount of weight after surgery? Since liposuction removes fat cells from your body, you won’t have to worry about your old problem areas reemerging. However, you can expect to regain weight in different areas, creating new trouble zones. For example, if your chief pre-liposuction complaint was your abdominal region, you might find that weight gain after surgery distributes itself in your legs or arms instead.

After liposuction surgery, many of Dr. Desman’s patients are so thrilled with their results that they rediscover the motivation to pursue their fitness goals. Ideally, your workout routine will include a mix of cardio and weightlifting to help you burn calories and gain strength.

You will be able to offset this with a meal plan that largely consists of lean protein sources and plenty of fiber to ensure you stay full. Drink plenty of water and avoid excess sugar and empty calories, and you will be well on your way to the body of your dreams!

Schedule Your Liposuction Consultation Today

Are you ready to kiss stubborn fat goodbye? Contact us at the Virginia Center for Plastic Surgery to speak with Dr. Desman about what liposuction can help you achieve. We proudly serve Maryland, Northern Virginia, and the Washington, D.C., metro area with outstanding surgical outcomes and the most popular non-surgical skin care solutions to help all our patients look and feel their best from head to toe. No matter what your aesthetic goals are, we can help you achieve them.