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Forehead Lift in Northern Virginia

Changes to your facial appearance as you age are inevitable. The skin on your forehead often becomes stretched, wrinkled, and saggy. These changes can reduce the distance between your eyebrows and your eyes, making you look tired, angry, or sad. While Botox and dermal filler injections are an excellent way to address some of these conditions, the effects are limited and non-permanent. A forehead lift in Northern Virginia can permanently reverse these signs of aging and revitalize your appearance.

A forehead lift minimizes the lines across your forehead and wrinkles high on the bridge of your nose. It also improves vertical frown lines between your eyebrows to give a more youthful, refreshed look. You can expect the results of your forehead lift to last for years. To learn more about this procedure, call the Virginia Center for Plastic Surgery to set up a consultation. An experienced surgeon like Dr. Desman can help you understand your options and make informed decisions about achieving your dream appearance.

The Forehead Lift Procedure

Forehead lifts are common forms of facial plastic surgery. The excess forehead skin is removed to create a tighter and more youthful appearance. Many forehead lift techniques can achieve outstanding results, including:

  • Endoscopic lift
  • Temporal lift
  • Direct lift
  • Coronal lift
  • Hairline lift

The location of the required incisions is adjusted in each case to align with your hairline, reducing the appearance of scars. Dr. Desman can perform a forehead lift at the same time as other procedures at our Northern Virginia clinic, such as a brow lift, eyelid surgery, or facelift. You do not need to spend the night in the hospital after your procedure, although you will have to arrange for someone to drive you home.

What to Expect from a Forehead Lift

You can expect your forehead lift surgery to last three hours. Following the surgery, your forehead may be bandaged to minimize swelling, and a small tube to drain excess fluid might be temporarily inserted. As your incisions heal, you may feel itchy or numb for a short time. Your bandages will likely be removed in a few days, and your sutures should be removed seven to 10 days after surgery.

Your surgeon will let you know when you may resume regular activities, such as bathing and washing your hair. Swelling might last several weeks, and your incision may take several months to heal completely. Dr. Desman will schedule follow-up appointments during your recovery to ensure optimal results.

After the procedure, your facial skin will continue to age and wrinkle over time; this may be accelerated by excessive sun exposure. Future revisions to your forehead lift may be helpful to ensure long-lasting results.

Is a Forehead Lift Right for You?

Most people 40 or above in good general health will qualify for a forehead lift. This procedure can correct sagging and wrinkled skin to boost self-confidence. It is important that you follow your surgeon’s preparation and recovery instructions. You should have a positive mindset with realistic goals of the results that can be achieved with a forehead lift at our Northern Virginia clinic. Our skilled plastic surgery team will review your complete medical history and discuss your expectations to see if you are a good candidate for a forehead lift.

Consult Our Clinic on a Forehead Lift in Northern Virginia

A forehead lift in Northern Virginia can enable you to live a more confident, radiant life. This procedure corrects sagging skin that contributes to a tired, aged appearance. A forehead lift is a permanent procedure, and while it will not prevent new wrinkles, it can make future wrinkles less apparent. Our clinic offers modern treatment options to revitalize your facial appearance in a comfortable and personable setting. Contact us to schedule a consultation today.